Buyer Needs Profile!

Buyer Needs Profile

Section 1

Who do we need to make sure is in the loop as we progress through the process?
Make sure you include Taxes, Interest, Principal, Insurance

Section 2

Remember this includes everyone applying for the loan and it is the before taxes amount!
Not how much you have but how much will you put down?
Car note, Credit card, Alimony, Child support, etc.. Per Month

Section 3

Which Programs Interest You?

Section 4

If We Found You The Perfect Home What Would Prevent You From Purchasing?

Lets Focus Your Custom List!

What Kind Of Homes Interest You?
Whether it is school, work, child care, etc.. it is good to be aware of that.
In real estate it is all about location sometimes an extra 15 minutes can make a difference in price.
Any Specific Features?

Section 5

Whether it is out of necessity or want it is important for all of us to be on the same page.

Lets Connect!!

Best Day To Connect?
Best Time To Connect?